Is Rwanda A Big Or Small Country? How Big Is Rwanda? What Is The Size Of Rwanda?


Is Rwanda A Big Or Small Country?

Rwanda is a small country.

Rwanda is the 149th-largest country in the world, and the fourth-smallest on the African peninsula after Gambia, Eswatini, and Djibouti, with a total area of 26,338 square kilometers (10,169 square miles).


The Rusizi River, at 950 meters (3,117 feet) above sea level, is the lowest point in the entire country.

Located in Central/Eastern Africa, Rwanda shares borders with the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, and Burundi.

To the south, it’s landlocked and sits a few degrees below the equator. Kigali, Rwanda’s capital, is located in the country’s center.

The Rusizi River and Lake Tanganyika drain over 80% of Rwanda’s land area into the Nile and 20% into the Congo via this watershed, which runs north to south through Rwanda.

The Nyabarongo, which rises in the southwest, travels north, east, and southeast until joining with the Ruvubu to form the Kagera; the Kagera then flows north along the eastern border with Tanzania.

In the Nyungwe Forest, the source of the Nyabarongo-Kagera, the Nyabarongo-Kagera finally flows into Lake Victoria.

The largest lake in Rwanda is Lake Kivu. The Albertine Rift’s floor is occupied by this lake, which has a maximum depth of 1,575 feet and is one of the twenty deepest lakes in the world.

These other large lakes are Ihema (the largest of a string of lakes in the eastern lowlands), Burera, Ruhondo, Muhazi, Rweru, and Rweru (the smallest).

How Big Is Rwanda?

By kilometers, Rwanda is 26,338 km²

What Is The Size Of Rwanda?

Rwanda has a population of more than 12.6 million people and occupies an area of 26,338 km2 (10,169 sq mi) on the continent of Africa.

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