Who is Chris Matheson And Why Was He Suspended?

Chris Matheson

Christian Matheson is a member of Parliament for the Labour Party in the United Kingdom.

Since he won the election for that position in the general election in 2015, he has been serving as the Member of Parliament for the City of Chester constituency.

Why Was Chris Matheson Suspended?

Chris Matheson, a Labour MP for Chester, was found guilty of “severe sexual misconduct” and recommended for a four-week suspension from the House of Commons by an independent commission on the behavior of MPs.

A former member of Mr. Matheson’s staff made two complaints of sexual misconduct against him, and the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards found merit in both of those charges.

According to the investigation, he is accused of inviting her on a private vacation overseas, and “the invitation was sexually motivated, undesired, and had placed the complainant under pressure and intimidated her.”

Mr. Matheson”linked arms with her; made personal remarks about her attractiveness while staring at her suggestively; forced her to hold his hand as they departed and insisted on accompanying her to her bus stop; and once there invited her back to his flat; kissed her twice on the forehead; and attempted to kiss her on the mouth.”

All of these actions took place during a work function outside of Parliament. In the end, the Commissioner determined that all of these advances were sexually inappropriate.

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