Isaac Mattson Scouting Report and Prospect Ranking?

Isaac Mattson Prospect Ranking?

Isaac Mattson is ranked No.32 on the Baltimore Orioles Prospect ranking list

Isaac Mattson Scouting Report


Age: 25 yr
Height: 6-2
Weight: 205 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2017 Draft – Round 19, LAA
RuleV: On 40-Man Roster


Physical Description

Perfect proportions. The frame is large and solid. Long levers, high waist. Shoulders that are broad, upper bodies that are strong, and a lower body that is thick.

Physically, you’re at the top of your game. Work ethic is impressive, and you’re a game student.

Delivery & Mechanics

Only stretch; deceptively lengthy, deep arm-circle beyond backside. Tilts to clear arm with a lightning-quick and forceful arm stroke.

With a high 3/4 arm slot and a high effort delivery, this is a great combination. It’s easy to repeat. Strider with a long stride. Well conceals the ball.


Inconsistent speed. In 2019, he sat around 89-91 mph on occasion; this summer, he reportedly averaged 93 mph and scraped 96 mph.

Through the zone, there’s a lot of heavy life, but there’s also a lot of sink in the lower third. It’s difficult to square up and drive.

Avoids the plate’s heart and isn’t afraid to work on the inside; pushes the ball around the zone’s edges. The total quality is padded by deception and command. Ratings:50


Over the appearance, I used it sparingly. Sits 82-85 with a low spin gyroish movement and a low efficiency. Execution is inconsistent; it flashes near average, then settles below average. Small swing and miss, mostly against RHB. Ratings:45


This is an excellent pitch. Sits 83-85, throws with conviction and has feelings. Maintains appropriate velocity separation from the FB while maintaining arm speed. At its best, it has late tumble and solid fade. Ratings:50

Control and Command

At times, the FB command appears to be slightly above average. His secondary pitches are barely above average in terms of command.

Often gets ahead of the pitchers and maintains a lead in the inning. Occasionally nibbles in search of strikeouts.

FB heavy sequencing against batters on the same side of the plate is occasionally used. Ratings:Control: 50 | Command: 45


An older talent who had a strong year in 2019 in the A+, AA, AAA, and AFL.

It’s hard to say if Mattson, who was recently signed to the 40-man roster, is ready to be a low-leverage reliever yet, but he does have a successful track record and the necessary ingredients.


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