Freddie Freeman Stats, Net Worth, Records, Family, Scouts Report, Wiki

Freddie Freeman

Frederick Charles Freeman (born September 12, 1989) is an American professional baseball first baseman for Major League Baseball’s Los Angeles Dodgers (MLB).

Freeman previously spent 12 seasons with the Atlanta Braves. He debuted in Major League Baseball in 2010 and has since gone on to become a five-time All-Star.

Freddie Freeman
Frederick Charles Freeman is an American professional baseball first baseman for Major League Baseball’s Los Angeles Dodgers.

In 2018, Freeman received a Gold Glove Award, a Silver Slugger Award in 2019, 2020, and 2021, and the National League’s Most Valuable Player Award in 2020.

As a member of the Braves, Freeman defeated the Houston Astros in the 2021 World Series. He was released by the Braves after 12 seasons and signed a six-year contract with the Dodgers.

Freeman entered the 2011 season as the Braves’ starting first baseman. His play improved after a poor start, and he was touted as a strong candidate for rookie of the year.

Freeman’s first multi-home run game came on July 4, 2011, when he blasted two home runs against the Colorado Rockies. Since Hank Aaron did it in 1954, Freeman was the only Braves rookie to achieve 50 RBIs by July 18.

Freeman topped all Major League rookies with 38 hits, a.362 batting average, and a.433 on-base percentage in 27 games during July, earning him the NL rookie of the month award. With six home runs and 17 runs, he topped all NL rookies. His 18 RBIs matched the highest among rookies in the National League.

Freddie Freeman Scouts Report

2007 17 Braves GCL R .268 59 224 24 60 7 0 6 30 7 33 1 2 0 .295 .379 .674
2008 18 Rome SAL LoA .316 130 491 70 155 33 7 18 95 46 84 5 5 9 .378 .521 .899
2009 19 Myrtle Beach CAR HiA .302 70 255 43 77 19 0 6 34 26 41 1 4 8 .394 .447 .841
2009 19 Mississippi SL AA .248 41 149 15 37 8 0 2 24 11 19 0 0 5 .308 .342 .650
2010 20 Gwinnett IL AAA .319 124 461 73 147 35 2 18 87 43 84 6 2 14 .378 .521 .898
2010 20 Atlanta NL MAJ .167 20 24 3 4 1 0 1 1 0 8 0 0 1 .167 .333 .500
2011 21 Atlanta NL MAJ .282 157 571 67 161 32 0 21 76 53 142 4 4 15 .346 .448 .795
2012 22 Atlanta NL MAJ .259 147 540 91 140 33 2 23 94 64 129 2 0 5 .340 .456 .796
2013 23 Gwinnett IL AAA .500 3 10 3 5 2 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 .583 .700 1.283
2013 23 Atlanta NL MAJ .319 147 551 89 176 27 2 23 109 66 121 1 0 5 .396 .501 .897
2014 24 Atlanta NL MAJ .288 162 607 93 175 43 4 18 78 90 145 3 4 10 .386 .461 .847
2015 25 Braves GCL R .182 3 11 2 2 0 0 1 3 0 4 0 0 0 .182 .455 .636
2015 25 Gwinnett IL AAA .375 2 8 0 3 1 0 0 2 2 3 0 0 0 .500 .500 1.000
2015 25 Atlanta NL MAJ .276 118 416 62 115 27 0 18 66 56 98 3 1 6 .370 .471 .841
2016 26 Atlanta NL MAJ .302 158 589 102 178 43 6 34 91 89 171 6 1 12 .400 .569 .968
2017 27 Gwinnett IL AAA .667 2 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 .800 .667 1.467
2017 27 Atlanta NL MAJ .307 117 440 84 135 35 2 28 71 65 95 8 5 9 .403 .586 .989
2018 28 Atlanta NL MAJ .309 162 618 94 191 44 4 23 98 76 132 10 3 11 .388 .505 .892
2019 29 Atlanta NL MAJ .295 158 597 113 176 34 2 38 121 87 127 6 3 17 .389 .549 .938
2020 30 Atlanta NL MAJ .341 60 214 51 73 23 1 13 53 45 37 2 0 6 .462 .640 1.102
2021 31 Atlanta NL MAJ .300 159 600 120 180 25 2 31 83 85 107 8 3 11 .393 .503 .896
2022 32 Los Angeles NL MAJ .276 7 29 4 8 3 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 1 .364 .379 .743
Minor League Totals .303 434 1612 231 488 105 9 51 277 138 272 13 13 36 .365 .474 .839
Major League Totals .295 1572 5796 973 1712 370 25 271 941 779 1316 53 24 109 .384 .508 .892

Freddie Freeman’s Net Worth

Freddie has an estimated net worth of $40 million.

Freddie Freeman’s Family

Freeman was born in the California town of Fountain Valley. Both of Freeman’s parents are from the Canadian province of Ontario. His father is from Windsor, while his mother is from Peterborough.

Freddie Freeman’s Stats

Career Stats

2010 ATL NL 20 24 3 4 8 1 0 1 1 0 0 8 0 0 .167 .167 .333 .500 1.40
2011 ATL NL 157 571 67 161 256 32 0 21 76 53 3 142 4 4 .282 .346 .448 .794 1.08
2012 ATL NL 147 540 91 140 246 33 2 23 94 64 4 129 2 0 .259 .340 .456 .796 0.77
2013 ATL NL 147 551 89 176 276 27 2 23 109 66 10 121 1 0 .319 .396 .501 .897 0.99
2014 ATL NL 162 607 93 175 280 43 4 18 78 90 4 145 3 4 .288 .386 .461 .847 0.93
2015 ATL NL 118 416 62 115 196 27 0 18 66 56 4 98 3 1 .276 .370 .471 .841 0.85
2016 ATL NL 158 589 102 178 335 43 6 34 91 89 18 171 6 1 .302 .400 .569 .969 0.71
2017 ATL NL 117 440 84 135 258 35 2 28 71 65 14 95 8 5 .307 .403 .586 .989 0.78
2018 ATL NL 162 618 94 191 312 44 4 23 98 76 12 132 10 3 .309 .388 .505 .893 0.95
2019 ATL NL 158 597 113 176 328 34 2 38 121 87 11 127 6 3 .295 .389 .549 .938 0.93
2020 ATL NL 60 214 51 73 137 23 1 13 53 45 7 37 2 0 .341 .462 .640 1.102 0.76
2021 ATL NL 159 600 120 180 302 25 2 31 83 85 15 107 8 3 .300 .393 .503 .896 1.07
2022 LAD NL 7 29 4 8 11 3 0 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 .276 .364 .379 .743 0.89
MLB Career 3144 5796 973 1712 2945 370 25 271 941 779 102 1316 53 24 .295 .384 .508 .892 0.91
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