Dean Kremer Scouting Report and Prospect Ranking

Age: 25 yr
Height: 6-3
Weight: 185 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2016 Draft – Round 14, LAD
RuleV: On 40-Man Roster


Dean Kremer is Ranked at No. 9 on the Baltiore Orioles 2021 prospect ranking list

Physical Description

A projection, he has a tall, slim frame. High waist with broad, muscular thighs; square shoulders, and lengthy arms.

On the mound, he has average athleticism. Clay Buchholz-like composition. Starred as a member of the Israeli national team while competing internationally. Becoming a better player requires constant learning and improvement.

Delivery & Mechanics:

High 3/4 slot occasionally borders over the top; considerable effort with steep and downhill plane.

Fires. With a lengthy frame and glove hand reach after breaking a tackle, he is able to generate moderate deception.

Slight fall to the first base side but good follow-through on my throws. At the mound, he exudes confidence. Good for keeping runners in check.


91-93 & 94. It exhibits the tailing movement down low in the zone, while the four-seam offers a little arm-side run and some riding life.

A lot of four-seam work; two-seam work takes a beating when left up. A four-seamer creates swings when thrown in the upper third of the pitching zone.

When a pitch is found, it is free of charge. Displays an average command; it is currently projected. Rank:50


74-76; above-average flashing ugly, fast 12-6 break. Strong downward movement accompanied by a tight rotation.

Thrown with a conviction for quality strikes and buried under the zone for swings. The hand does not periodically get over the top, causing 11/5 movement to be unsteady and sloppy. Rank:55


86 to 89 with bite. The curveball works well with this pitch, and it’s commonly positioned at the top of the zone to encourage under-the-ball swings.

The front door is frequently opened, and a recent tweak has been made to prevent the hand from getting underneath the ball, resulting in a more typical slider depth. Unusual application; left-handed hitters penalize errors in the strike zone. Rank:50


A below-average, show-me offering is thrown as a straight-change for an 84-86 with infrequent usage. Strike-throwing prowess is evident, despite a lack of fade.

Although he keeps his arm speed up, he shows a lack of confidence in the pitch by only making two or three modifications per start. Rank:40

Control and Command

Consistent, repetitive delivery contributes to his above-average control and above-average command, but the declining velocity of his fastball during his minor league career means he now has a less margin for error. Hit hard by the two-seam and slider misses. Rank: Control: 55 | Command: 50


Despite his lack of power, Kremer has a mix of fastballs and sliders with a mix of curveballs that should allow him to work his way through an MLB lineup while also keeping him from beating himself.

Even while his potential is lower than when he had plus velocity, his pitchability and three average-or-better pitches limit his risk and will allow him to throw numerous innings without becoming exposed.

He has the potential to be a back-end starter, but he’s more likely to finish up in a long-term spot starter or long-term relief position.

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