Is Shahabuddin Ahmed Alive?

Is Shahabuddin Ahmed Alive?

Shahabuddin Ahmed passed away on March 19, 2022 at age 92.


On Saturday morning, he died in Dhaka’s Combined Military Hospital. For a long time, he had been afflicted by geriatric illness.

Shahabuddin led the temporary administration when the Ershad government fell apart in 1990. He was elected President of Bangladesh when the Awami League came to power in 1996.

In 2001, Shahabuddin stepped down as president. He hasn’t kept up with politics in that way since then. In his Gulshan home, Shahabuddin Ahmed led a lonely life.

He had been suffering from different medical issues as a result of his advanced age for quite some time.

Professor Ahaduzzaman Mohammad Ali, Shahabuddin’s son-in-law, verified the news of his death in the local media, adding that he learned of his death around 10:20 a.m. on Saturday.

Shahabuddin Ahmed’s two sons are said to live with their father at Gulshan’s home. His two daughters are presently residing in the United States and the United Kingdom, respectively.

Following the overthrow of the dictatorship of HM Ershad in the 1990s movement, the then-Chief Justice Shahabuddin Ahmed assumed command of the state.

The mass uprising’s participants (including the Awami League) and the BNP (three coalitions) couldn’t agree on who would be President following Ershad’s resignation and who would lead the interim government until the election.

Chief Justice Shahabuddin was afterward entrusted with the task.

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