Zach Jackson Children: Does Zach Jackson Have Any Kids?

Zach Jackson

The Oakland A’s have avoided one ignoble feat during their highs and lows. Never before in the history of the game had a pitcher faced four batters and walked each one of them.

It wasn’t until Zach Jackson showed up on Tuesday night that things started to change.

Frankie Montas had given the A’s a good start, but he stayed in the game for one batter too long when Jackson entered the game. The lineup was given a chance to come back from a 2-1 hole if he could hold the lead at one run.

On the contrary, Jackson demonstrated that No Control is more than simply another Bad Religion album. He walked all four of the batters he faced and threw only seven strikes in his 23 pitches in the process.

Sam Moll performed admirably when he was called upon to break out of Jackson’s jam after a run was driven home, but it was too late.


Jackson is no stranger to command difficulties. During his five seasons in the minor leagues, he compiled a 5.4 BB/9 average, with his best season being 4.2 BB/9 in 2013. Those outbursts of craziness are to be expected.


Jackson is capable of missing a large number of bats. In the minors, he had an 11.1% K/9 rate, and in 22 MLB innings, he has struck out 29 batters. The 17 walks he’s issued, including four last night, are a nice counterbalance to his strikeouts.


It’s only one game at a time. Because of his overall success and ability to knock hitters out, Jackson will continue to have opportunities in roles with reasonably high leverage. It’s normal for things like what happened on Tuesday to happen.

Does Zach Jackson Have Any Kids?

Zach Jackson does not have any kids.


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