American film maker, Brent Renaud is dead

Brent Renaud

Popular American filmmaker who doubles as a journalist, Brent Renaud is dead.

Aged 50, Brent Renaud was shot to death in Ukraine by Russian soldiers during their infamous invasion in the former.

According to Ukraine’s Interior Ministry, Renaud was killed in Ukraine on Sunday while reporting in a suburb of the capital, Kyiv.

The Ukrainian authorities said he was killed in Irpin, a suburb that has been the site of intense shelling by Russian forces in recent days, but the details of his death were not immediately clear.

Ukrainian officials said another journalist was wounded as well.

Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine’s interior minister, said in a statement that Mr. Renaud “paid with his life for attempting to expose the insidiousness, cruelty and ruthlessness of the aggressor.”

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