It was announced today that Bernard Cribbins, who was the voice and face of childhood for generations of Britons, has passed away at the age of 93, just months after the death of his devoted wife of nearly 70 years.
Friends and admirers are grieved by the passing of the British actor who appeared in numerous Carry On movies, Fawlty Towers, Doctor Who, The Wombles, Jackanory, and the famous 1970 version of The Railway Children.
Mr. Cribbins, who was born in Oldham and whose parents were “champion clog fighters” and cotton weavers, became one of the most adaptable and well-liked comedians of his period.
He was a hit on children’s TV while also appearing in the raunchy Carry-On movies.

Bernard Cribbins Cause of Death
Bernard Cribbins passed away on July 28, 2022, when he was 93 years old. The cause of Cribbins’ passing has not been revealed
In a statement announcing his passing, his representative praised him for his lengthy career and contributions to children’s television.
“Our Beloved actor Bernard Cribbins OBE has passed away at the age of 93,” according to Gavin Barker Associates.
“Bernard’s impact on British entertainment is without a doubt,” they concluded.
“All who had the pleasure of knowing and working with him will profoundly miss him. He was exceptional, typifying the best of his generation.”