Daniella is 22 years old and goes by the name Daniella Utangbe Peters. She is knowledgeable in many different areas and has a direct, honest manner.

She regularly assumes the position of “the defender” during heated discussions since she has a strong dislike of bullies and firmly believes in following the rules.

Daniella is a charismatic talent that is quickly gaining recognition and is a motivating force in the entertainment industry. She has made her mark on the field.

She loves having such a big family, including her identical brother, five older brothers, and a younger sister. Despite just ending a toxic relationship, Daniella still believes in love and is optimistic that she will find it one day.


Name: Daniella
Real Name: Daniella Utangbe Peters
Age: 22 years
Date of Birth: 2000
State of Origin: Cross River State
Boyfriend: Single
Occupation: Poetry
Net Worth: $10,000

Net Worth

She has a net worth of $10,000

Real Name

Daniella’s real name is Daniella Utangbe Peters

Date of Birth:

she was born on 2000


Daniella’s birthplace is Obudu, in the state of Cross River


Daniella’s parents are not known at the moment.



she is currently 22 years old

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