How many royals attended Prince Philip’s funeral? Full list of royals who attended Prince Philip funeral

Countess Mountbatten of Burma, one of the Duke of Edinburgh’s closest confidantes, will attend Philip’s funeral.

There were “some extremely difficult decisions” that the Queen had to make in her selection of the 30 guests permitted by Covid-19 restrictions, from an original 800-strong assembly, Buckingham Palace claimed.

At the service in St. George’s Chapel on Saturday, 67-year-old countess Penny Knatchbull, previously known as Lady Romsey and then Lady Brabourne, will be a part of the monarch, the Queen, Philip’s four children and eight grandchildren, and their respective husbands.

As a result of the postwar anti-German sentiment, three German relatives who had been denied a place at Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s wedding have been invited to attend the wedding instead

How many royals attended Prince Philip’s funeral?

About 30 Royals were present at Prince Philips’s funeral.

Full list of royals who attended Prince Philip’s funeral

1. The Queen

2. The Prince of Wales

3. The Duchess of Cornwall

4. The Duke of Cambridge

5. The Duchess of Cambridge

6. The Duke of Sussex

7. The Duke of York

8. Princess Beatrice

9. Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi

10. Princess Eugenie

11. Jack Brooksbank

12. The Earl of Wessex

13. The Countess of Wessex

14. Lady Louise Windsor

15. Viscount Severn

16. The Princess Royal

17. Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence

18. Peter Phillips

19. Zara Phillips

20. Mike Tindall

21. Earl of Snowdon

22. Lady Sarah Chatto

23. Daniel Chatto

24. Duke of Gloucester

25. Duke of Kent

26. Princess Alexandra

27. Bernhard, Hereditary Prince of Baden

28. Prince Donatus, Landgrave of Hesse

29. Prince Philipp of Hohenlohe-Langenburg

30. The Countess Mountbatten of Burma

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