If Beauty was still here, he would have changed it for all Level 1 housemates, especially during food issues- Bryann

Bryann has insisted that Beauty’s presence in the house would have changed a lot of things in the favour of Level 1 Housemate if not for her disqualification.

Beauty Tukura was disqualified from the show on August 7 when she had a fight with Groovy over allegations that he had danced with Chomzy during the house party.

She caused mayhem when she got into a physical altercation with Groovy for dancing with Level One Housemate Chomzy.

Beauty later offered unreserved apologies to her supporters, followers, and family who helped her when she was in the house following her disqualification.

It seems her colleagues who were all lumped in the Level 1 House missed her after Bryann spoke highly of her about she would have handled the food issue expertly without any stress.

His comment inevitably hinges on the fight that occurred last week between Phyna and Bella which transcended to the scope of their respective lovers, Sheggz and Groovy.

Bella and Phyna got into a furious argument over food distribution. In the lounge, Bella and Chomzy were discussing food when Phyna, the head of house, requested that they limit their conversation to wager-related subjects exclusively.

When Bella, who didn’t like this, fired some fiery shots at her while calling her a street girl, Phyna fired back in equal measure. Sheggz and Groovy who are romantically involved with the aforementioned female housemates also hurled themselves into the fray accordingly.


Meanwhile, see the conversation that ensued Bryann and other Level 1 Housemates,

Bryann — If Beauty was still here, he would have changed it for all Level 1 housemates, especially during food issues.

Phyna — when I saw Beauty disqualification, I had to calm down.. I knew gra gra will not help me win the show.

Daniella — Bella would have chopped slap from Beauty if she was still here.

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