Liz Truss First Speech: What Are Liz Truss’ Promises?

Although Liz Truss won the race for the Conservative Party leadership, she won’t take office as prime minister until Tuesday. In accordance with the unwritten constitution of Britain, Truss and departing leader Boris Johnson will visit Balmoral in Scotland tomorrow to meet with Queen Elizabeth II.

Her win was largely anticipated in recent weeks when she acquired a commanding lead in the polls, with a margin of 57.4 percent to 42.6 percent.

Liz Truss
Liz Truss

After Theresa May and Margaret Thatcher, she becomes Britain’s third female leader and its fourth prime minister in six years. She will be met with a terrifying assortment of issues, just like they were.

What Are Liz Truss’ Promises?

In the opening of her winning speech, Liz Truss thanked Rishi Sunak, her opponent, for coming closer than many had anticipated in the decisive vote.

Then, after months of scandals forced him to leave, she paid a heartfelt homage to Boris Johnson, who she will succeed as prime minister on Tuesday.

Boris, according to Truss, “got Brexit done, destroyed Jeremy Corbyn, rolled out the vaccine, and stood up to Vladimir Putin.” “You are respected from Carlisle to Kiev.”

The new UK prime minister has promised a “radical strategy” to reduce taxes and has stated that she will deal with the nation’s spiraling energy costs, which are causing a cost-of-living problem.

However, Liz Truss provided no information on what either plan will entail; throughout her campaign, her opponents, like Rishi Sunak, have pressed her to provide information about her next moves because households will be seeing another increase in costs starting next month.

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