Meet Amou Haji, the world’s ‘dirtiest’ man who hasn’t showered in 65 years

Amou Haji

For how long would you be able to do without a shower? This man hasn’t washed in 67 years. Amou Haji, 87, from Dejgah, a town in the southern Iranian territory of Iran, has seemed as though the Biblical Moses who tumbled down a smokestack. Shrouded in debris and soil, you would confuse him with a figure assuming he is still.

Amou hasn’t washed for almost seventy years since he is frightened of water. He trusts that assuming he will shower, he will become sick. Neatness brings him disorder.

His beloved feast is spoiled meat of dead creatures, particularly porcupines. He adores smoking however it isn’t tobacco that he appreciates. He likes to clear creature dung out of a corroded line.

Subsequent to going through a few enthusiastic misfortunes in his childhood, Haji chose to carry on with a secluded life. He wears a conflict protective cap not to ward off adversaries but rather to keep him warm during winters.

He has discovered a few spots to live in – an opening in the ground looking like a grave to keep him grounded and in contact with the truth of life and an open block shack worked by individuals who felt awful for him.

He looks at himself in mirrors – the sided reflections of passing-via vehicles. He drinks five liters of water consistently from an enormous rust metal can. He gets his hair managed by consuming them over a fire.

Haji is not the only man who hasn’t bathed for years. Guru Kailash Singh from Varanasi refused to bathe soon after his marriage in 1974. His decision came after priests said that he would have a son if he stopped bathing. The prediction failed as Singh was blessed with seven daughters.

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