Michaela McAreavey Death Video

Michaela McAreavey

After a ‘disgusting’ video ridiculing the death of Michaela McAreavey was spread online, a Northern Ireland football team issued an apology and fired one of their coaches.

The video shows a group of people shouting a terrible chant about the murder of GAA manager Micky Harte’s daughter, which was shared on Twitter.

Michaela McAreavey
Michaela McAreavey

Michaela is heard talking about traveling ‘to Mauritius on her honeymoon in video footage from the incident.

The song then goes on to make fun of her death while on her honeymoon in a hotel room, as well as making derogatory remarks to her father.

On January 10, 2011, Mrs. McAreavey, 27, was found killed in her room at the Legends Hotel in Mauritius.


After returning to her room alone and disrupting a burglary, the primary school teacher, who had only married her husband John 10 days before, was attacked.


Mrs. McAreavey’s murderer has yet to be identified.


Linfield Football Club acknowledged that it had alerted a girls’ academy coach about the video in a statement released on Friday afternoon.


His “voluntary relationship with the club” was “severed with immediate effect,” according to the club.

After the video went viral on social media, the Orange Order said that an investigation had been initiated.


The video was ‘beyond comprehension,’ according to Taoiseach Micheál Martin, who called on the Unionist community to’reflect’ on it.


‘That video offended and horrified me,’ he said. ‘We all remember Michaela McAreavey’s heinous murder.


‘It’s beyond comprehension that individuals could act in that way, that they could be so callous to the anguish that her family and community have through.’


‘I believe it speaks to a level of sectarianism, malice, and hatred in society that needs to be addressed.’

‘First and foremost, those who were involved should apologize.’ ‘The entire community and those concerned should strongly reflect,’ he stated.


A group of guys appear to be singing about Mrs McAreavey’s murder in a video posted on social media.


‘The video currently circulating on social media relating to Michaela McAreavey’s murder is totally disgusting, and the Orange Institution condemns the content without hesitation,’ stated a representative for the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland.


‘Those involved’s behavior and actions have no place in our society and do not reflect our organization’s spirit.

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