Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders are the National Football League cheerleading squad representing the Dallas Cowboys team. Schramm chose to rebrand the Cheerleaders for the 1970 season in order to promote attendance.
As a starting point, the key modification was to develop an all-female cheerleading squad, as well as a new uniform and type of routines that were more focused on dance and less on traditional acrobatics.

Additionally, Dee Brock and a choreographer helped the 10 high school cheerleaders picked for the 1970 season conceive and create new dance style routines under the guidance of Dee Brock and the help of a choreographer.
In 1971, high school drill team officers and local female cheerleaders were allowed to compete for a position on the squad.
Finally, Texie Waterman, a New York choreographer, was hired and given the task of teaching a whole new group of women, all over the age of 18, who would be looking for appealing appearance, athletic ability, and raw skill as performers.
It was possible to re-imagine the cheerleader uniforms in 1972 because all of the 1972 squad members were adults, so they could wear hot pants instead of standard cheerleader skirts, bringing them closer to the classic DCC image that is remembered today.
What does a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader make a year?
Cheerleaders for the Dallas Cowboys are now paid $12 an hour, in addition to receiving $400 for each gameday appearance they make. Having said that, it is said that the annual salary of some senior-level cheerleaders is approximately $75,000.
The outcome of a legal dispute led to an increase in the amount of money paid to cheerleaders. At the beginning, Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders were paid $8 an hour, which was less than the minimum wage at the time.
They did not even receive payment for several of their performances, which was a common occurrence.
They were expected to show up and do the job since cheerleading for the NFL was a dream job for many dancers, and their bosses expected them to fulfill those expectations.