Ali MacGraw will be recognized for her performance as Jenny, the major character in the classic romance Love Story.
The 1970 picture received seven Academy Award nominations, including one for Best Actress for MacGraw; it is one of the highest-grossing films of all time, and it gave a timeless quote: “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”

However, while MacGraw’s film career began with a succession of blockbuster films, she performed less frequently in the years that followed, and her last onscreen appearance was in 1997.
In addition to Love Story, MacGraw appeared in other successful films such as The Getaway and Convoy. In the 1980s, she also appeared on Dynasty.
Her last on-screen appearance was in the 1997 film Glam, written and directed by her son, Josh Evans.
MacGraw has recently appeared on stage. She appeared in the Broadway production Festen in 2006. From 2015 through 2017, she collaborated with O’Neal on a tour of Love Letters.
“It was heaven to be reunited with Ryan but I have no desire to make acting a part of my life again,” MacGraw told AARP in 2017.
MacGraw now lives a peaceful life away from the movie industry, however, she did recently come out of acting retirement for a special reunion with Love Story co-star Ryan O’Neal.
MacGraw has followed other interests since quitting acting. She is a strong supporter of animal rights and has worked with groups that advocate for them.
Currently, she works with an organization called Ibu Movement, which sells apparel, accessories, and homeware items made by women artists all around the world.