Since their founding in 1901, the Boston Red Sox has had a long and famous history. The Sox have since produced some of the most famous players to have set foot on a baseball diamond.
Despite an 86-year title drought that plagued both the club and the fans, the “curse” era produced some of the greatest Red Sox players in history, in my opinion. Eight of the 10 Red Sox players whose numbers were retired with the team never winning a championship.

Given the ambiguity of the phrase, it can be challenging to define a “period” in Red Sox history. For me, an era consists of two decades.
say the years 1901 through 1920.
Given the organization’s existence, there are likely to be some eras with multiple players that would rank at the top of another era’s list, but what is significant is that this list is solely based on each time period.
One of the most legendary Red Sox players of all time is Ted Williams, in the opinion of many. Williams won the Triple Crown twice, was an American League MVP twice, a batting champion six times (with a career average of.344), and was an All-Star seventeen times in his 19-year career.
If Williams had not enlisted in the American military during World War II, his career numbers may have been considerably greater. He was also the last player, in 1941, to bat over.400 in a season.
Some of the Red Sox who played in later years and are regarded as some of the best players in team history include Pedro Martinez, Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz, Jonathan Papelbon, and Dustin Pedroia.