In this article, we will talk about the owner of Baltimore Orioles  Peter  Angelos. It is always good to read about the biography of people. Biography is simple a short write-up or information about world-famous personalities.

As indicated earlier, Peter G. Angelos is the owner of Baltimore Orioles, a professional baseball team in Baltimore, Maryland, United States.

The Baltimore Orioles play in the American League East division of Major League Baseball.

Who’s Peter Angelos?

Peter Angelos is an American trial lawyer and the majority owner of the Baltimore Orioles.

He was born on July 4, 1929 in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. He graduated as a lawyer from the University of Baltimore School of Law.

In the year 1966, Peter Angelos and Georgia Kousouris tied the knot in private and the couple are blessed with two sons. They are John P. Angelos and Louis Angelos.

How Old Is Peter Angelos?

He’s 92-years-old since He was born on July 4, 1929

His Career

  • Angelos passed the bar in 1961 and opened an office specializing in handling product-liability cases for employees, almost always on a contingency basis.
  • In March 1996 Maryland hired Angelos to represent the state in its suit against tobacco companies with a 25% contingency fee.
  • Angelos also represented the state of Maryland in a suit against Philip Morris and suing Wyeth, the makers of part of the diet pill combination fen-phen.


What is Peter Angelos Net Worth?

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Peter Angelos is worth $2 billion as of August 2020.

Awards and Nominations

  • He received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 1996 and was named Marylander of the Year in 1988.
  • In 2002, Peter Angelos was nominated by the James Beard Foundation Awards for America’s Classics and was honored the Maison Marconi Award.

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