Atlas Heche Tupper is the second child of Anne Heche. Atlas’s grandparents are Nancy Heche and Donald Joe Heche.

As far as we know, Atlas’s grandmom is the only survivor of her grandparents from her mother’s side.

Her grandfather Donald died on March 3, 1983, when he contracted HIV/AIDS

Meet Nancy Heche

Nancy Prickett Heche is a well-known activist in the United States. She is the mother of five children, the most famous of whom is the actress Anne Heche.

Nancy Prickett went to a Methodist church when she was a child, and she was brought up in the state of Indiana. In high school, she became friends with Donald Joe Heche, who would later become her husband.

The Heche family was a devout member of a fundamentalist congregation and was a long-time resident of an Amish community throughout the 1960s and 1970s.

Meet Donald Joe Heche

Donald Joe Heche was married to Nancy and is a father to their five kids.

Don Heche was a Baptist minister and choir director who came out to his family as HIV positive. He had been living a hidden homosexual lifestyle.

Donald Heche died at the age of  45 from AIDS on March 3, 1983, which was assumed he received from a homosexual relationship.

In Anne’s 2001 biography “Call Me Crazy,” she disclosed that her father was a closet homosexual who abused her and gave her genital herpes.

She detailed his fondling, putting her on all fours, and having intercourse with her in her journal. I was the victim of his sexual assault.

Heche also expressed concern for her own safety, stating that she was afraid of contracting the disease from him.


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