Atlas Heche Tupper is a celebrity kid and he is famous for being the son of  James Tupper and Anne Heche who are both actors.

Atlas Heche Tupper was named by his parent after the Greek god Atlas who held up the heavens.

As of the year 2022, Atlas Heche Tupper has reached the age of 13 years.

Born in 2009, his parents have not disclosed any information regarding his specific date of birth month, birthday, or other birthday-related information.

At this time, Atlas Heche is savoring the time of his life that he gets to spend away from the constant scrutiny that comes with having a celebrity parent.

Nate Heche is Atlas’s uncle through his mom Anne. Atlas never met his uncle due to his early death in 1983.

He was driving while unconscious when he hit a tree, which ultimately led to his death as a result of the accident.

Who is Nate Heche?

Nate Heche was born in Cleveland on April 21, 1965, and passed away on June 4, 1983.

He was the brother of Anne Heche, who is known for her work in the entertainment industry.

On June 4, 1983, Nate Heche passed away as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident.

He was 18 years at the time of his untimely death. Anne is of the opinion that her brother committed suicide, despite the fact that his death was considered an accident by the authorities.


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