Does Anderson Cooper have Albinism?

Does Anderson Cooper have Albinism?

Anderson Cooper does not have any kind of Albinism.

Anderson Cooper is free of highly rare diseases. He had a mop of brown hair till he was in his mid-twenties.

“I wasn’t born this way,” Anderson said last September at WIRED’s controversial autocompletes interview, pointing to his silver beauties. “I started getting white around the age of 21.”

It started off as a small patch, but it quickly spread to become “full-on salt-and-pepper” before he became 30 years old, according to the popular presenter. Anderson observed, “Then one day, I looked in the mirror and all the pepper was gone.”

In 2016, the single parent revealed that he doesn’t love his gray as much as the rest of the world does. Anderson admitted to Kelly Ripa on her morning talk show, “It’s not my thing.”

“I wish I had brown hair again. I’d color my hair if I could, but I couldn’t picture sitting in a salon for hours with tin foil in my hair, reading old issues of Rosie.”

“Every time I look in the mirror, I still think I have brown hair in my mind, and then I’m like, ‘Who is that old guy?'” he explained.

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