Freddy Rincon whose full name is Freddy Eusebio Rincon Valencia is a Columbian footballer born on August 14, 1996, in Buenaventura, Columbia. He is known as a professional footballer who played and made appearances about 84 times for the National team between the years 1990 and 2001. He is known to be a versatile midfielder who is known to play on the left side and then center attack.
Freddy Rincon was reportedly dead yesterday April 13, 2022. Reports have it that on the 11th Of April 2022 he was admitted to the hospital and his admission was associated with critical head injuries when he was known to have been involved in a fatal accident where his car collided with another in Columbia city of Cali. He was confirmed dead at the hospital after failed attempts to sustain him.

Freddy before his death was known to be a Copa Columbian winner in the 1989 capital club. He gained national acclaim due to his performance at the time. His professional career began in the year 1986 at Independent Santa Fe. He as well won the Columbian championship in the year 1990 and 1992.
Rincon is also featured on the international front. He scored a memorable goal against the team called West Germany. He led his national team during the World Cup qualifiers in the year 1994 where he secured a goal against Argentina. He also became a coach In the year 2005 through to 2006.
Freddy Rincon Net Worth At Death 2022
At the time of his death, the late Colombian international footballer had an estimated net worth of $200,000.