The man known as the “dirtiest man in the world” reportedly passed away at the age of 94 just a few months after finally taking his first shower in more than 50 years.
It is said that Amou Haji has not taken a bath in the preceding half-century, which is one of the reasons why he is regarded as the dirtiest man in the world.
Another reason is that he has not been able to afford to take a bath. Another piece of information that makes this piece of news sound more intriguing is the fact that Amou lived a long life and passed away at the age of 94.
According to some accounts, Amou Haji lived to the ripe old age of 94 before she passed away.

It is said that he breathed his last breath in a small community known as Dejgah, which can be found in the province of Fars in Iran, which is one of the 31 provinces that make up the country.
Users on social media have recently been prompted to question the veracity of Haji’s claim that he has never taken a bath as a result of pictures of Haji that have recently gone viral.
The man was reportedly given a bath by local residents at some point in the recent past, as reported by the Iranian government’s official television station.
How old Was the World’s Dirtiest Man Before His Death?
According to some accounts, Amou Haji, also known as the world’s dirtiest man, passed away at the age of 94.