Is Khalen Saunders Married? Who Is Khalen Saunders’ Girlfriend?

Khalen Saunder

Born on August 9, 1996 (age 25 years) in St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States of America  to his parents Kim Hamilton and  Kenton Saunders, Khalen started his high school education at the  Parkway Central High School

Khalen Saunders is an American football defensive tackle for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League. He played college football for Western Illinois and high school football at Parkway Central High School.

After finishing high school, Saunders committed to the University of Western Illinois to play college football. As a redshirted freshman in 2015, he played in all 13 games and made 27 tackles, including 4.5 for a loss and 2.5 sacks and recovered a fumble.

Khalen is said to have a height of 6 ft 0 in (1.83 m) and a weight of 324 lb (147 kg). He is currently playing with the Kansas city chiefs as a  Defensive tackle and wears the number 99 jersey for the team.

Is Khalen Saunders Married?

Khalen Saunders is currently married to his former longtime girlfriend Ayanna Saunders with whom they have a daughter together born on the day of the 2019 senior bowl.

Who Is Khalen Saunders’ Girlfriend?

Since Khalen is married, he can be said not to have a girlfriend but rather has a wife who is known as Ayanna Saunders.

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