Is Louie Simmons Alive? Louie Simmons Did Louie Simmons Die?

Who was Louie Simmon?

Louie Simmons was a strongman and strength coach from the United States.

He is most known for inventing various pieces of strength training equipment and developing the Westside Conjugate style of training and applying it to powerlifting and other sports.

Simmons founded Westside Barbell in Columbus, Ohio, as a private, invitation-only top training facility.

In a 2016 podcast with Joe Rogan, Simmons justified the use of performance-enhancing pharmaceuticals to enhance strength and muscle growth, including his own consistent use of anabolic steroids since 1970 “In January of 1970, I started using anabolic steroids.

So, what year are we in, 2016, anyway? I’ve never gone without them in my life.” “Taking drugs, you see, isn’t against the law. Getting caught doing narcotics is against the law.”

Only five lifters have achieved overall Elite status in all five weight divisions of powerlifting. In a variety of powerlifting groups, he was ranked Elite.

For more than 50 years, Simmons competed in powerlifting. Over the age of 50, he has squatted 920 pounds (420 kg), benched 600 pounds (270 kg), and deadlifted 722 pounds (327 kg).

Over four decades, he has totaled Elite in five different weight divisions.

Is Louie Simmons Alive?

No. Louie Simmons passed away on 24 March 2022

Louie Simmons Did Louie Simmons Die?

Yes. On March 24th, 2022, at the age of 74, the legend Louie Simmons died at his home due to health concerns. Simmons had recently been dealing with kidney troubles and other health issues.

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