Kyle Rittenhouse Wiki, Real Age, Political Career, Parents, Girlfriend, Net Worth 2022

Kyle Rittenhouse Wiki

Kyle Rittenhouse is a young teen who shot and killed two black lives matter protestants and injured one. He was acting as an American right-wing vigilante on the 25th of August,2020  during a black lives matter riot and protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He became famous after the incident since the circumstances of the case were complicated.

Kyle Rittenhouse Wiki, Real Age, Political Career, Parents, Girlfriend, Net Worth 2022
Kyle Rittenhouse Wiki, Real Age, Political Career, Parents, Girlfriend, Net Worth 2022

His lawyer defended that he had shot the three young men in an act of self-defense but the Judge has dismissed the claim that he should not have been at the scene since there was a curfew in Kenosha, he carried a deadly weapon and resided in Illinois which was about 20 miles from the riot site.

Real Age of Kyle Rittenhouse

Born on January 3, 2003, in Antioch, Illinois, US. Rittenhouse is currently 19 years old.

Does Rittenhouse Have a Political Career?

Rittenhouse does not have any active political career but he has been offered work in the Congress by GOP Reps. Madison Cawthorn, Matt Gaetz, and Paul Gosar after being acquitted of homicide. But Kyle has reportedly turned down offers stating he wanted to stay out of politics.

Rittenhouse parents

The father of Rittenhouse is not yet disclosed but his mother, Wendy Rittenhouse has been present at her son’s trials and defended that her son could have been dead had he not been armed that evening. She is a mother of three and has been in the spotlight following her son, Kyle Rittenhouse’s case of homicide.

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Girlfriend

News of if Rittenhouse has a girlfriend is not known but even if he has, circumstances might make them go separate ways.

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Net worth in 2022

The net worth of Rittenhouse is not stated as he was a student at the time of the incident but reports say he was in a car dealership business before his arrest.


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