Mehraab Nazir Cause Of Death: How Did Mehraab Nazir Die?

Mehraab Nazir

Mehraab Nazir was a complex cross-border finance transactions practitioner. He is survived by his wife Ana Nazir, 50, and their 14-year-old son remains in critical condition in hospital after undergoing emergency surgery for serious head and abdominal injuries.

Mehraab Nazir Cause Of Death: How Did Mehraab Nazir Die?

Mehraab Nazir was killed in a freak landslide in the NSW Blue Mountains. 49-year-old Nazir and his nine-year-old son were killed when they were hit by falling rocks while hiking along a popular walking track at Wentworth Falls on Monday.

Nazir’s high school little girl made an emergency call after barely getting away from the landslip with her life.

Her father, high-positioning money legal counselor Mr Nazir, and her younger brother, 9, died at the scene at the Wentworth Pass in Wentworth Falls, while her mum, 50, and another boy, 14, were carried to an emergency clinic.

The family moved to Sydney from London 10 years prior when Mr Nazir who learned at the University of Essex, became an advisor at Watson Farley and Williams.

They were on vacation in the area when rocks unexpectedly fell down and squashed Mr Nazir and his child during a family hike.

His daughter, 15, managed to call Australia’s Triple-0 emergency service, telling the operator she had lost contact with her family.

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