Rivalries Of Minnesota Twins – Who are Minnesota Twins biggest rivals?

Over now is the right time, Major League Baseball rivalries have happened between many teams and urban communities. Rivalries have emerged for a wide range of reasons, the essential ones including geographic vicinity, experience with adversaries, different occurrences, and social, etymological, or public pride.

The Minnesota Twins have a long-term history (counting the Senators years), playing every one of the 29 teams no less than multiple times (The Marlins are the group with only 16 games). With that, there are groups that the Twins have played significantly more than the rest.

Today, I take you through the all-time rivals of the Minnesota Twins since inception in the Major League Baseball (MLB).

Who are Minnesota Twins’ Biggest rivals?

Apparently, obviously and undoubtedly, the Chicago White Sox are considered as the biggest rivals of the Minnesota Twins in the MLB.

Rivalries Of Minnesota Twins

Minnesota Twins vs Chicago White Sox (Biggest Rival)

The White Sox and Twins have completed 1/2 in the division multiple times, including when the group needed to play in Game 163 out of 2008 (where future Twin Jim Thome hit the game-dominating homer).

The two groups intend to go after Division Crowns throughout the few years. Furthermore, with the Tigers, Royals, and Cleveland not prepared to contend this year, this contention will just get more grounded.

Minnesota Twins vs Detroit Tigers

Detroit Tigers and Minnesota Twins have a long-standing relationship disliking one another. Minnesota has played a larger number of games against Detroit than some other team, however, and they haven’t been a good time for Detroit.

The Twins beat the Tigers in Game 163 out of 2009 and hacked up the Tigers 4-1 in the 1987 ALCS.

Minnesota Twins vs New York Yankees

The Twins have lost to the Yankees multiple times as the Twins and multiple times altogether. They’ve been dispensed with by them at the end of the season games multiple times and the group has been gazing toward the Yankees in the flag race excessively frequently.

Minnesota Twins vs Cleveland Indians

There’s not a great deal of ill will between the two groups contrasted with a portion of different competitions before them, however, the Twins and Cleveland try to avoid one another. The 2019 Divisional Fight was definitely not a simple one, and the 2020 race wasn’t any more straightforward by the same token

Minnesota Twins vs Milwaukee Brewers

The Brewers and Twins used to play in a similar division, and there’s obviously the Minnesota-Wisconsin viewpoint.

The Brewers and Twins played against one another in a similar division for quite a long time in the mid-seventies and keeping in mind that the Brewers weren’t serious during their time there, it offered a chance to make the Border Battle contention for the two teams.

Minnesota Twins vs Kansas City Royals

The Royals have never been a not kidding danger for the Twins. The Twins are presently 27 games more than .500 in the record-breaking series, one that traces all the way back to 1969.

Minnesota Twins vs Oakland Athletics

The Oakland Athletics have played the Twins/Senators more than 2,000 times over the most recent 120 years and multiple times throughout the course of recent years. Another A.L. West enemy, the A’s have contended with the Twins on a few levels over time. Inside the division, the Twins and the A’s done 1-2 on four separate occasions while winning a joined six World Series titles. These groups struggled with each other a ton in the seventies and eighties, making them one of the more despised groups for the Twins of that period.

Minnesota Twins vs Los Angeles Angels

The Twins and the Angels shared a division for a considerable length of time, yet there wasn’t as no kidding of contention as a portion of different groups since the groups never truly contended at similar occasions. The Angels won 3 division titles and the Twins won four during their range contending, however, the last pivotal turning point for the competition came in the mid-2000s.

Minnesota vs Baltimore Orioles

Baltimore Orioles have played the Twins/Senators more than 1,900 (1,943) times in the 120 years the group has existed. While the Twins have been somewhat less effective against the Orioles than the Red Sox, that is most certainly switching up at this point. The genuine explanation the Orioles are on this rundown is a direct result of the 1969 and 1970 American League Champion Series.

Minnesota Twins vs Boston Red Sox

Twins and Senators have played the Red Sox multiple times in the course of the most recent 120 years. For those counting at home, that is around 16 games each year. That is the 6th most games the Twins have played against anybody.

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