Does Anthony Bridgerton Marry Kate? Does Anthony End up with Kate?

The second season of Bridgerton is now available to stream on Netflix, and the Viscount is single. In other words, he’s seeking a wife, but that doesn’t imply he’s considering love as a factor—at least not right away.

All eyes in Season 2 of Bridgerton will be on Anthony to see who will be his ton social season bride. Kate and Edwina Sharma complicate the way to marriage for him.

But in season 2, who will the dashing Viscount find love with? Who is Kate? Or does Anthony’s story take an unexpected turn? Season 2 of Bridgerton concludes with the story of Anthony and Kate, better known as Kathony.

Does Anthony Bridgerton Marry Kate?

Season 2 of Bridgerton follows Anthony and Kate as they struggle to find love and happiness together.

While secretly wishing to marry Edwina, Anthony is courting Kate’s younger sister. But their secrecy won’t last for long.

Episode 6’s wedding between Anthony and Edwina brings the love triangle to a dramatic conclusion when Edwina notices the sidelong glances between her husband-to-be and sister and connects the dots.

They were prepared to put out the flames of their emotions, but that plan quickly went up in smoke.

A massive controversy erupts after the breakup of the Viscount’s upcoming marriage, and everyone is talking about it.

Despite their tarnished reputations, the Bridgerton and Sharma families reconcile, paving the way for Kathony to flourish once more.

Does Anthony End up with Kate?

When it comes to season 2, we don’t see Anthony and Kate get married, but we do see them spending time with their family. All the ups and downs of their relationship make it all worthwhile.

It doesn’t matter what the future holds for Bridgerton season 3, we can rest comfortably knowing that Anthony and Kate have found each other.

In the upcoming seasons 3 and 4, the next Bridgerton siblings will be hunting for love!

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