Don Young Net Worth, Cause of Death, Office, Committees, Wife, Children, Age

Donald Edwin Young who is also called Don Young was born on June 9, 1993, in Meridian, California in the United States. Donald Young who was a political figure and educator died on March 18 2022 yesterday. He was the longest-serving Congress member. He had been in office long since the Nixon Administration. As a Republican, he served at the house of Representatives for a while.

His early life reveals that he hailed from Sutter County in California. His educational background reveals he earned an associate degree in Yuba College as well as a bachelor’s degree at Chicago State College. It will interest you to know that he had a serving experience in the US Army as well from the year 1995 to 1957.

Before his political run, he was a constructor, a fisherman, a gold miner, and a trapper. Before Young passed away his license as a marine was still active.

He began his political career as a US representative in the year 1972 when he ran for Congress against Democrat Nick Begich. The outcome of that election was in favor of Begich, however, he died and was replaced by Young. From there he traveled the political journey till the present.

Don was among the first to congratulate current president Joe Biden on his Victory when he won the elections in 2020.

Don Young Net Worth

Don Young has a net worth of 57 million dollars in the United States.

Don Young Cause Of Death

Don Young’s cause of death is not clearly defined but according to reports, he died whiles traveling to Alaska. He died at the age of 88.

Don Young Office

Don was a US Representative at Alaska (R-AK At-large District) since 1973.

Don Young Committee

Before his death, Congressman Don Young was the chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee. He also served as the Republican Leader of the United States Subcommittee on Indigenous Peoples. He was also appointed to the Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife.

Don Young Wife

Don first married Lula Fredson who was an indigenous Gwich’in. Then in the year August 17 2014 after separating from his first wife, he married Anne Garland Walton who happened to be a flight nurse.

Don Young Children.

Don has two Children by name Dawn Young and Joni Young

Don Young Age

Don was 88 at the time of his death.

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