Musa Yamak Obituary, Cause of Death, Tribute

Musa Yamak Obituary

Turkish-born German boxer Musa Yamak passed away at age 38. Musa was noted to have won in all his 75 professional matches and won the WBFed title in 2021. Yamak was born in 1986 and is originally from Giresun Alura. He was a young German boxer who was quite popular.

Musa Yamak Obituary, Cause of Death, Tribute
Musa Yamak Obituary, Cause of Death, Tribute

Yamak earned the European and Asian Light heavyweight championships, the WBF title, and the Global Boxing Unit(GBU) belts.

Musa Yamak’s Cause of Death

Yamak passed shortly after collapsing in the ring during his bout with Hamza Wandera on Saturday, May,14,2022. He was immediately taken to the hospital and passed after being diagnosed with a heart attack. He was knocked by Hamza in the second round but still tried to continue to the third round when he collapsed.

According to the BILD, it was very difficult for the paramedics to rush into the ring to perform emergency treatment on him after the match was canceled due to fans who were dispersing.

The medics had to wait for everyone to leave before family members and helpers removed the ring ropes and moved chairs away to make way for the ambulance.

Tribute for Musa Yamak

There are currently no tributes yet from fans, family, and friends of the late boxer but his legacy will be held on forever. It is still sad knowing Yamak could have been saved if he helped arrived earlier.

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