Scorpio Horoscope Today May 18 2022
Sure, they hype you endlessly on social media and attend all the parties you throw. Are the people that you claim to be your friends and colleagues always show up for you when you need them to be there for you?
Now the big shocker is that you are free to make away with all of them so as to be able to move on in life and become a better version of yourself.

YOu need to protect your energy from all who are just in your life to drain and destruct your progress
This moment is a time to be having a recognising moment where you know who your fair-weather friends are.
If this new phase of your life requires for you to make a bold step and make away with some people then make that bold step and kick them out of your life.
You are better off working this as a solo case without having all those toxic friends hovering over you and pulling you down.
Cosmic tip: Protect your energy from those who drain you.