What Happened on the Saturday after Jesus was Crucified?

Many Christians across the world commemorate Holy Saturday by commemorating the day Jesus was laid to rest in the tomb.

People of the Christian faith around the world are experiencing mixed emotions on this day. Countless congregations attend an Easter vigil service.

During these services, people talk about the significance of the Easter vigil’s rituals, prayers, and symbols. Large baptism services are also held at several churches on this day.

What Happened on Saturday after Jesus was Crucified?

On Saturday, Jesus was laid in the tomb after his Crucifixion.

When the Sabbath imposed a sabbath observance, only Matthew provides specifics on what was going on behind the scenes that day.

Jesus was Crucified
Holy Saturday

“Sir, we remember how that impostor declared, while he was still alive, ‘After three days I will rise,'” the Pharisees and top priests told Pilate on Saturday, according to his testimony.

In order to prevent his disciples from stealing him from the tomb and claiming to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead,‘ order the tomb to be kept secure for at least three days until the third day.

” (Matt. 27:63–64). They weren’t alone in their apprehension, it seems. Because of the strange circumstances surrounding Jesus’ death darkness sweeping the region, an earthquake, and the tearing of the temple curtain the Jewish leaders may have had a legitimate reason to be skeptical of his claims.

Even though they were aware of Jesus’ resurrection prophesies, the Pharisees didn’t necessarily believe that they would come to pass.

Jesus is referred to as “that impostor” and a “fake” in their comments, which indicates a complete lack of respect.

Because not only did the Jewish officials know that Jesus had predicted he would be resurrected on the third day but they also took action on that knowledge and demonstrated greater “faith” than Jesus’ own followers could generate at the moment.


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