Can You Wear Tight Trousers In North Korea?

Can You Wear Tight Trousers In North Korea?

North Korea is a country in Eastern Asia located in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula. The country is bordered by Japan, China, and South Korea. All though these four Asian countries have similar features in terms of race and physical characteristics they are distinguished by high forms of culture and development.

There are a lot of things in North Korea which are not done elsewhere in other countries and vice versa. There has been a recent ban on the wearing of tight or skinny trousers in North Korea.

Can You Wear Tight Trousers In North Korea?
Can You Wear Tight Trousers In North Korea?

North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un has banned some items like mullets and piercings of some parts of the body because it is seen as a symbol of capitalistic or western culture.

There is an organization called the Socialist Patriotic Youth League, that serves as a ‘fashion police’ and makes sure that everyone is checked to prevent anyone from dressing to look too ‘foreign’. Skinny jeans, leathered trench coats branded T-shirts, and dyeing of hair in bright colors are forbidden in terms of fashion in North Korea.

Can You Wear Tight/Skinny Jeans in North Korea?

No, you can’t wear tight/skinny jeans in North Korea. The ban on the wearing of skinny jeans does not apply to only the citizens of North Korea but to foreigners and Tourists as well. Black jeans or trousers which hang loose on the body are acceptable but sometimes blue jeans are not allowed in certain parts of the countries like the capital Pyongyang.

North Korea has strict rules and policies which makes the country a place that has won public interest over the years due to the Authoritative regime of the Workers Party of Korea (WPK) that has been established in the country.


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