Photos of the Gun Used to Shoot Shinzo Abe

Shinzo Abe

Shinzo Abe, a politician from Japan, was prime minister of that country from 2006 to 2007 and again from 2012 to 2020. He died on July 8, 2022. He served as prime minister of Japan for the longest period of time.

Abe previously worked for Junichiro Koizumi as Chief Cabinet Secretary from 2005 to 2006, and he temporarily led the opposition in 2012.

On Friday morning, while Mr. Abe was making a speech in the southern city of Nara, he was twice fired at. He instantly fell to the ground and was taken to the closest hospital. He was bleeding when photos from the scene were taken.

Security personnel on the site subdued the shooter, and the suspect, 41, is now in police custody.

Photos of the Gun Used to Shoot Shinzo Abe

At the time of the incident, Mr. Abe was in Nara making a campaign speech for a political candidate.

According to witnesses, they observed a guy fire twice at Mr. Abe from behind while holding what they described as a huge pistol.The assailant, who made no attempt to flee, was apprehended by security personnel, and his allegedly homemade pistol was taken into custody.

Nara resident Tetsuya Yamagami has been named as the suspect. According to local media accounts, he may have formerly served in Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force, which is the country’s version of the navy.

Check out the photo of the gun used below

Photos of the Gun Used to Shoot Shinzo Abe
Photos of the Gun Used to Shoot Shinzo Abe
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